Park Swing Dedication
All are invited to join City of Saint Petersburg Parks & Recreation Department and the Waterfront Parks Foundation (WPF) for a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new waterfront parks bench swing prototype on Wednesday, April 20th, 2022 at 10:00 am in Flora Wylie Park, located at the intersection Coffee Pot Blvd. and Northshore Dr. NE.

Prototype Swing
This prototype swing was funded through the generosity of the Majeed Family ( WPF has installed embedded QR Codes on the swing, which we invite you to use to provide your input on this new way to enjoy the waterfront. If public response is as positive as we anticipate, we plan to install additional bench swings in our downtown waterfront parks.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
The ribbon cutting ceremony will feature City Council Chair and District 6 Councilmember Gina Driscoll, City Leisure Services Administrator Mike Jefferis, Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation, Bryan Eichler, The Majeed Family, WPF President Logan DeVicente, and WPF Founder Phil Graham, Jr.
The bench swing concept and design was created by WPF’s Founder, Phil Graham, Jr. It was engineered by Bill Reidy of Advanced Engineering & Design, Inc. Fabrication was executed by Bill Mallett’s team at Architectural Concepts.
Generous Donation
The Majeed Foundation has formed an ongoing partnership with WPF and City Parks to provide St. Petersburg with numerous bright focal points that highlight our waterfront park system including their ongoing funding of several floral displays and their maintenance, one of which is partially visible in these photos.
“We are delighted to support this wonderful initiative to enhance the waterfront parks’ unique experience,” states Kamel Majeed. “It fits with the Majeed Foundation’s commitment of enriching the parks natural beauty and adding new features for the enjoyment of all.”
We hope to see you on Wednesday, April 20th, but regardless, be sure to check out that latest way to relax along the waterfront, and please use the QR code to share your thoughts!